Free Immigration Consultation

As a service our Law Firm offers free consultations on certain immigration matters, such as:

– For U.S. employers or employees with a job offer from a U.S. employer
– US citizen who want to sponsor a foreign spouse or family member unless he/she has any arrests, unlawful entry/overstay or other complications

That way you can inform yourself about your options before hiring a lawyer. The free consultation includes a general overview of your immigration options. We will inform you about what services we offer in the context of your case, the general procedure and the respective government fees.

However, for legal and professional liability reasons, we cannot give you any legal advice specifically related to your case. If the free consultation turns out to require more a in-depth analysis or review of your documents, we offer a paid consultation over phone or in our office. If you thereafter retain our office within 30 days to apply for a visa, we will deduct the consultation fee from the legal fees for the respective visa application.

If your case does not qualify for the free consultation categories, we offer paid immigration consultations as well.

To determine if you qualify for a free consultation, please fill out our questionnaire and provide information regarding your immigration matter.

All personal information you provide will be kept strictly confidential. Please read our Privacy Policy.